While I’m not recovered from Lyme Disease by any measure, I’m having quite a bit of success with the Byron White formulas.
I was on abx for 14 years (more on than off including 2 years of IV zith) and I’m feeling much better now on the BW formulas which seems to be working as well as abx for the most part. While everyday isn’t great I am having some days where I feel as well as I felt on antibiotics. The thought of being on abx for the rest of my life was a bit scary especially with the breast cancer connection to abx so I’m really happy to have an alternative that actually works.
Although I’m feeling better on Byron White, my health is a bit more tenuous while on the herbs. While on abx, I was able to stay on track longer. On Byron White, I can more easily relapse if I’m not careful, but I’ll take BW herbs any day over abx.”