NOW, today, I am back at my job (now 30+ years), feel fine mostly all the time, and enjoy all the things I used to enjoy before getting sick. I have basically “beaten” Lyme Disease!
Hello – If you are reading this I might assume that you are suffering from chronic Lyme Disease – or know someone who is. I was told that this website was created to present a “hopeful” slant on Lyme Disease by publishing success stories – and I’ve got one to tell. So here goes:
About 3 ½ years ago I was so sick that I could barely get out of bed in the morning. I couldn’t work my job that I had had for 27 years. I felt so terrible all the time that there was nothing I could enjoy doing. I was prone to unexpectedly collapsing unconscious with stroke-like symptoms. And the worst part was that none of the many, many specialists I saw, or their medical tests, could find anything wrong with me.
But NOW, today, I am back at my job (now 30+ years), feel fine mostly all the time, and enjoy all the things I used to enjoy before getting sick. I have basically “beaten” Lyme Disease!
Here’s my story:
I can’t tell about my Lyme success without starting at the awful part after I contracted it. About 4 ½ years ago I was a healthy 54 year old Postal Worker with 25 years on the job. In June 2007 I was bitten by a tick and my doctor missed the classic symptoms of early Lyme Disease – the bulls eye rash and severe flu-like symptoms. So basically I went undiagnosed and untreated until I began having serious neurological symptoms – about 1 year later. Twice I collapsed on the job and was hospitalized. I was extensively tested by many doctors to find the cause of my varied, unusual symptoms – and I was finally diagnosed with chronic Lyme by a standard lyme blood test.
Even after I was diagnosed I was still very sick – too sick to work or do much anything but lie in bed and limp to many different specialists and medical tests – because NONE of the experts I saw believed that lyme could be so serious.
I finally became so depressed and desperate that I started searching for lyme information online. I soon found out that LOTS of people were in my same situation – extremely sick but no doctors believing they had lyme. Thankfully I found out about a few caring doctors who have gone against the mainstream medical community and secretly treat us chronic lyme sufferers. Because these doctors (LLMD’s) use treatments not accepted by the medical community they are in danger of losing their medical licenses – hence the secrecy.
With the help of other lyme suffers I found online at the lyme forums I was able to find an LLMD not too far from my home. He immediately told me that my symptoms were all very consistent with chronic lyme disease, and he started me on an aggressive treatment of various antibiotics and supplements. Within weeks I was gradually improving and back to work. As I said at the beginning… it’s been 3 ½ years of gradual improvement and now I feel 99% healthy all the time, and am off all but a single anti-biotic pill every day (which I soon hope to be able to drop also).
So, if you have Lyme Disease the two things I would tell you:
1. Find a true Lyme Literate Doctor (LLMD)
2. Don’t EVER give up hope that you will fully recover – because many people have!
Wishing you the best,
If you’d like to contact me for more info about my Lyme journey you can email me at: